Between 10% and 20% of your air conditioning gas permeates from your air con system every year. This is why most manufacturers recommend that you have an Air Conditioning Re-Gas at least every 2 years. This helps your car or vans air con system to keep you cool when it is hot outside or to keep you warm and your windows mist free in the winter when it is cold outside.
As part of your re-gas, we will remove all the remaining old gas and lubricant from your system before refilling it to your car or van manufacturer’s specifications. Our technician will then test the system to ensure there are no cracks or other damage to your air con system components that could cause excessive leakage. Your Air Conditioning Re-Gas Services are not part of your van or cars standard service. If it has been more than 2 years or you are noticing your air is not as efficient as it once was, book your Air Conditioning Re-Gas with Xtreme Tyres Online today. Simply enter your van or car registration into the box at the top of the page and select the date and time you want to bring your van or car in for its Air Con Re-Gas at Xtreme Tyres.